Tuesday, August 28, 2007

2001 Match of the Year

1. Kurt Angle defeated WWF Champion Steve Austin by disqualification (22:30)
Austin was disqualified by referee Nick Patrick after he attacked every referee that he saw. As a result, Austin retained the title.

2. Steve Austin defeated The Rock in a No Disqualification match to win the WWF Championship (28:06)
Austin pinned Rock after hitting him multiple times with a steel chair.
During the match, Vince McMahon came to ringside and handed Austin the steel chair.

3. Kurt Angle defeated Shane McMahon in a Street Fight (26:00)
Angle pinned Shane after a Super Angle Slam.

Honorable Mention:

Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit in a Ladder match to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship (18:44)
Jericho grabbed the belt to win.

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit beat Triple H and Steve Austin for the WWF Tag Team Championship
Chris Jericho pinned Stone Cold Steve Austin after HHH hit Austin with a Sledgehammer.
HHH tore his quad in this match making the save on Austin.

Edge and Christian defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (c) and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) in a TLC match to win the WWF Tag Team Championship (15:42)
Edge and Christian won after by climbing a ladder and retrieving the belts hanging above the ring.

Triple H defeated Steve Austin in a 3 Stages Of Hell Match (39:27)
Austin pinned HHH in a Regular Match (12:20)
HHH pinned Austin in a Street Fight (27:11)
HHH pinned Austin in a Steel cage match (39:27)

Chris Jericho defeated The Rock to win the World Championship (19:05)
Jericho pinned Rock after a Rock Bottom. Vengeance.

Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit (14:02)
Angle pinned Benoit with a roll-up using Benoit's tights for leverage.

Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho defeated Edge and Christian, The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (c) and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) in a TLC match to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship
Benoit climbed the ladder to get the belts.

Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and X-Pac in a Fatal Four-Way match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (12:18)
Jericho pinned X-Pac.

The Rock defeated Kurt Angle to win the WWF Championship (16:54)
Rock pinned Angle after two Rock Bottoms.
The Big Show entered in middle of the match and chokeslammed Rock, Angle and the referee.

(5 on 5) Winner Take All Survivor Series match: Team WWF (The Rock, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, Kane and The Big Show) defeated Team Alliance (Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Rob Van Dam and Shane McMahon) (44:56)
Near the end of the match Angle turned his back on the Alliance and hit Austin with the WWF Title belt which allowed Rock to hit the Rock Bottom.

Steve Austin defeated Chris Benoit to retain the WWF Championship
Austin pinned Benoit with a rollup after a distraction from Mr. McMahon.

Chris Jericho defeated The Rock to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(23:44)
Jericho pinned Rock after the Breakdown onto a steel chair. No Mercy.

Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit in a Two out of three falls match (23:54)
Benoit pinned Angle after a Angle Slam("Pinfalls Only") (1:07)
Angle made Benoit submit with the Ankle Lock("Submissions Only") (12:10)
Angle won the third fall with the help of Edge and Christian(Ladder match) (23:54)

Steve Austin defeated Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWF Championship(15:15)
Austin pinned Van Dam after a Stone Cold Stunner.
During the match both Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon interfered.

Kurt Angle (w/Trish Stratus) defeated Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) to retain the WWF Championship (24:15)
Angle pinned Triple H after Steve Austin hit Triple H with the WWF Title belt and a Stone Cold Stunner.
During the match, McMahon-Helmsley and Stratus got into a fight. The fight had to be broken up by Vince McMahon, however the two fought to the back.

Chris Benoit defeated Kurt Angle in a Two out of Three Falls match
Benoit pinned Angle
Benoit pinned Angle

Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit in a Cage Match.
Angle climbed out of the cage after Steve Austin interfered.

Kurt Angle was defeated by Steve Austin by disqualification to remain WWF Champion
Angle was disqualified after Triple H interfered.

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