Monday, August 27, 2007

Fully Loaded 2000 Review

One of the most underated PPV's ever

The Hardy Boyz and Lita defeated T & A (Test and Albert) and Trish Stratus in a Mixed Tag Team match (13:12)
Lita pinned Stratus after a moonsault.
Wow did I like this match. You know, this may be the most hard to believer **** match I've ever had. I mean, look who's involved. Everything clicked here. The crowd was hot, the guys (and girls) were hitting all their stuff, nearfalls galore. Watch this match and tell me it isn't good.

Tazz defeated Al Snow (5:20)
Tazz forced Snow to submit with the Tazzmission.
Good for 5 minutes.

Perry Saturn (w/Terri) defeated Eddie Guerrero (w/Chyna) to win the WWF European Championship (8:10)
Saturn pinned Guerrero after a Diving Elbow Drop.
More good stuff.

The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw) defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian by disqualification (5:29)
Edge and Christian were disqualified after Edge hit Faarooq with a tag title belt, Edge and Christian retain the titles.
Worst match here, but it was only 5 minutes.

Val Venis defeated Rikishi in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (14:10)
Venis pinned Rikishi after Tazz hit Rikishi with a TV camera.
Awesome spot where Rikishi splases Val off the top of the cage. Good match.

The Undertaker defeated Kurt Angle (7:34)
Undertaker pinned Angle after a Last Ride.
The last bad match. Only 7 minutes. Although Taker basically squashes Kurt here.

Triple H defeated Chris Jericho in a Last Man Standing match (23:11)
Triple H won when Jericho couldn't get up after being suplexed through an announce table.
Wow. MOTYC only to be outdone a little by our next match for MOTN.

The Rock defeated Chris Benoit to retain the WWF Championship (22:09)
Rock pinned Benoit after a Rock Bottom in a match where the title could change hands on disqualification.
There was controversy when Rock was disqualified meaning Benoit won the title, but Commissioner Mick Foley came out and re-started the match.
Another **** match. This was classic Benoit stuff going on here.

~ I took a month off from wrestling after KOTR. Not that I was burned out, but because I though it might be cool to watch I PPV not knowing the matches beforehand. I was shocked to see Benoit in the main event. This PPV ranks right back up there with Judgment Day for PPV of the year. Two MOTY candidates here.

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