Thursday, August 16, 2007

1996 King of the Ring Review

Yeah, nothing important happened on this show...

KOTR Semi-Final: Steve Austin defeated Marc Mero (16:49)
Austin pinned Mero after the stunner.
Really good opener

KOTR Semi-Final: Jake Roberts defeated Vader (3:34)
Vader was disqualified for using the referee as a human shield when Roberts attempted the DDT.
This was not good though.

The Smokin' Gunns (Billy and Bart) defeated The Godwinns (Henry and Phineas) to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (10:10)
Billy pinned Phineas.
And down, down, down we go...

The Ultimate Warrior defeated Jerry Lawler (3:50)
Warrior pinned Lawler.
Wow...keeps getting worse.

Mankind defeated The Undertaker (18:21)
Mankind pinned Undertaker.
Their 1st match, this was nothing special.

Ahmed Johnson defeated Goldust to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship (15:34)
Johnson pinned Goldust.
I marked out like a bitch when I found out the next day Ahmed won.

KOTR Final: Steve Austin defeated Jake Roberts to win the King of the Ring tournament (4:28)
Austin pinned Roberts.
Austin's speech is the famous thing here.

Shawn Michaels defeated The British Bulldog (w/Mr. Perfect as Special Guest Referee) to retain the WWF Championship (26:25)
Great stuff. Owen was awesome on commentary.

~ Nothing incredible on the show but there were 2 ***1/2 matches. The Austin acceptance speech is a classic.

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