Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Summerslam 1994 Review

With this year's Summer "spectacular" on the horizen, I take a look at a show with another classic match

Bam Bam Bigelow and Irwin R. Schyster (w/Ted DiBiase) defeated The Headshrinkers (Fatu and Samu) (w/Afa Anoai and "Captain" Lou Albano) (6:45)
I.R.S. and Bigelow won by Disqualification after Afa attacked Bigelow in retaliation for Bigelow's attack on Albano.
Considering who was involved this was not that bad.

Alundra Blayze defeated Bull Nakano (w/Luna Vachon) to retain the WWF Women's Championship (8:10)
Blayze pinned Nakano with a bridging German suplex.
Maybe the best women's match I had ever seen up to that point. Isn't that sad? Granted this still holds up today with all the shit that is thrown out there.

Razor Ramon (w/Walter Payton) defeated Diesel (w/Shawn Michaels) to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship (13:55)
Ramon pinned Diesel after Michaels accidentally hit Sweet Chin Music on Diesel.
After the match, an angry Diesel stalked Michaels backstage as Razor, Payton, and Payton's son Jarrett celebrated in the ring.
I'll be damned this was pretty entertaining. When best friends work together great things happen.

Tatanka defeated Lex Luger (6:00)
Tatanka pinned Luger with a roll-up after Ted DiBiase provided the distraction.
For several weeks Tatanka accused Luger of "selling out" to DiBiase.
After the match Luger confronted DiBiase, leading to Tatanka turning on Luger and joining with DiBiase.
TATANKA TURNS ON LUGER AND THE FANS! WHAT A NO GOOD S.O.B.! Oh...wait...everyone saw that coming and then proceded not to care. Bad match too. So...yeah...double whammy.

Jeff Jarrett defeated Mabel (w/Oscar) (5:45)
Jarrett pinned Mabel with a roll-up after Mabel missed a Leg drop.
Not horrrible for a Mabel match. I think it justifies pushing him to main event the Summerslam next year. Or not.

Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Championship (32:17)
Bret defeated Owen by escaping the cage.
As the cage was being set up, Vince McMahon and Jerry "the King" Lawler conducted interviews at ringside with Stu Hart, Helen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Jim Neidhart, and Bruce Hart about their thoughts on the match.
After the match, Neidhart attacked Davey Boy and then he and Owen locked themselves in the cage with Bret. Other members of the Hart family eventually climbed over the cage.
The best cage match the WWF has ever had still stands to this day. From the Bret Hart interview to the interview backstage with Owen and Neidhart, this whole thing goes over 40 minutes.

The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) defeated "Evil Undertaker" (w/Ted DiBiase) (8:57)
Undertaker pinned Evil Undertaker after 3 Tombstone Piledrivers.
Prior to this match, The Undertaker hadn't been seen since the Royal Rumble.
After this match, Undertaker rolled the fake into a casket and the druids took him away.

~ 2 *** matches and 1 ***** match makes this a solid show. Everyone needs to see the cage match.

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