Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Random Matches from 1994


KOTR Semi-Final: Owen Hart defeated The 1-2-3 Kid (3:37)
Owen forced the Kid to submit with the Sharpshooter.
The best 3 minute match ever. Didn't see the whole show so that's why this is here.

Action Zone:
Shawn Michaels and Diesel beat Razor Ramon and The 1-2-3 Kid to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship.
Michaels pinned the 1-2-3 Kid when Diesel hit the Kid with a Big Boot.
They're all best friends so it's not a suprise they had a great match vs. each other.

House Show:
Bret Hart beats Owen Hart in a 60 minute iron man match to retain the WWF title.
1. Bret reverses the sunset flip into a cradle.
2. Owen makes Bret give up to the Figure-Four Leglock
3. Owen makes Bret give up to the Figure-Four Leglock again
4. Bret makes Owen give up to the Sharpshooter.
5. In overtime, Bret makes Owen give up to the Sharpshooter.
Again, this was at a house show so it's hard to find. Bret and Owen had many of these I believe.

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