Monday, August 27, 2007

Rebellion 2000 Review

U.K. show

The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated Edge and Christian and T & A (Test and Albert) (w/Trish Stratus) in a Elimination Tables match(9:55)
Edge & Christian eliminated Albert after pulling him off the top rope(4:00)
The Dudleyz eliminated Christian after a 3D(9:55)

Ivory (w/Steven Richards) defeated Lita to retain the WWF Women's Championship(2:55)
Ivory pinned Lita after countering Lita's Sunset Flip attempt. She used the ropes and Steven Richards for Leverage

Steve Blackman defeated Perry Saturn (w/Terri Runnels) to retain the WWF Hardcore Championship(6:03)
Blackman pinned Saturn after a Martial Arts Kick.

Crash Holly defeated William Regal to win the WWF European Championship(5:10)
Holly pinned Regal after Molly Holly hit Regal with a Missile Dropkick. After match, Regal attacked the Hollys and stole the European Title Belt

Chyna and Billy Gunn defeated Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero(12:15)
Gunn pinned Malenko after a One and Only.

Kane defeated Chris Jericho(8:04)
Kane pinned Jericho after a Chokeslam.

Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather defeated The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship(8:05)
Buchanan pinned Jeff after Val Venis hit Jeff with a Money Shot.

The Undertaker defeated Chris Benoit(12:15)
Undertaker pinned Benoit via a rollup.

Kurt Angle defeated Rikishi, Steve Austin and The Rock in a Fatal Four-Way match to retain the WWF Championship(8:50)
Angle pinned Rikishi after an Angle Slam. Edge, Christian and The Radicalz interfered on Angle's behalf

~What a shit show.

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