Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Unforgiven 2001 Review

The first show after 9/11, does it show?

The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated The Big Show and Spike Dudley, Lance Storm and The Hurricane, and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) in a Fatal Four-Way Elimination match to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (14:21)
Big Show pinned Storm after a Chokeslam (6:52)
Matt pinned Spike after a Twist Of Fate (7:57)
D-Von pinned Matt after a Bubba Bomb by Bubba Ray (14:21)
Really good opener.

Perry Saturn defeated Raven (w/Terri) (5:07)
Saturn pinned Raven after a Three Handled Moss Covered Family Credenza.
Actually very good given the time.

Christian defeated Edge to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship (11:53)
Christian pinned Edge with a roll-up after a low blow.
Not as good as we had hoped.

The Brothers of Destruction (The Undertaker and Kane) defeated KroniK (Brian Adams and Bryan Clark) (w/Steven Richards) to retain the WCW World Tag Team Championship (10:22)
Undertaker pinned Clark after a Chokeslam.
I'm being generous giveing it a positive star rating.

Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Jericho to retain the WWF Hardcore Championship (16:33)
RVD pinned Jericho after a Five-Star Frog Splash and a distraction by Stephanie McMahon.
Another almost great match from, Rob...Van...Dam...(you know you want to do the thumbs thing)

The Rock defeated Booker T and Shane McMahon in a Handicap match to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship (15:23)
Rock pinned Booker T after a Rock Bottom.
This might have been the best handicap match ever to this point, seriously.

Rhyno defeated Tajiri (w/Torrie Wilson) to win the WCW United States Championship (4:50)
Rhyno pinned Tajiri after a Gore.
Short and...short...

Kurt Angle defeated Steve Austin to win the WWF Championship (23:12)
Angle forced Austin to submit with an Ankle Lock.
After the match Angle celebrated with his family inside the ring, then the WWF roster came out to congratulate him.
Not even close to their last match. Still good, but dissapointing.

~ Decent show. Nothing special.

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