Thursday, August 23, 2007

In Your House XV: A Cold Day in Hell Review

It’ll be a cold day in Hell if this show is good. HA! I’M HILARIOUS!

Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) defeated Flash Funk (10:05)
Helmsley pinned Funk after a Pedigree.
Still a couple more months till HHH gets a personality.

Mankind defeated Rocky Maivia (8:46)
Mankind forced Maivia to submit with the Mandible claw.
Solid stuff.

Ahmed Johnson defeated Crush (5:38)
Johnson pinned Crush with a roll-up.

Ahmed Johnson defeated Savio Vega (5:37)
Vega was disqualified after hitting Johnson with a steel chair.
Double Crap.

Faarooq defeated Ahmed Johnson (2:10)
Faarooq pinned Johnson after a Dominator.
Wow the dreaded Triple crap. This show IS special.

Ken Shamrock defeated Vader in a No Holds Barred match (13:21)
Shamrock forced Vader to submit with an Ankle Lock.
Shamrock’s debut match where he beat the shit out of Vader.

The Undertaker defeated Steve Austin to retain the WWF Championship (20:06)
Undertaker pinned Austin after a Tombstone Piledriver.

~ Wow. If you liked Ahmed Johnson, then this was your show! For the other 100% of the population, the best match was at **3/4, and the show was awful. I mean like 1995 awful.

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