Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Judgement Day 2001 Review

Austin vs. Undertaker...again...

William Regal defeated Rikishi (3:57)
Regal pinned Rikishi after a Regal Cutter.
RAW match.

Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit in a Two out of three falls match (23:54)
Benoit pinned Angle after a Angle Slam("Pinfalls Only") (1:07)
Angle made Benoit submit with the Ankle Lock("Submissions Only") (12:10)
Angle won the third fall with the help of Edge and Christian(Ladder match) (23:54)
As good as last month.

Rhyno defeated Test and The Big Show in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWF Hardcore Championship (9:15)
Rhyno pinned Big Show after a Gore with a garbage can top.
It was...OK.

Chyna defeated Lita to retain the WWF Women's Championship (6:29)
Chyna pinned Lita after a Powerbomb. This was also Chyna's last appearance in the WWF.
Not bad for a Chyna match.

Kane defeated Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) in a Chain match to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship (12:29)
Kane pinned Triple H after Steve Austin accidentally hit Triple H with a steel chair.
Just a Whatever type of match. I mean they put over a chain match like it's 100X worse than Hell in a Cell, and nothing happens.

Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho won a Tag Team Turmoil match to become #1 contenders to the WWF Tag Team Championship (25:48)
The APA (Faarooq and Bradshaw) defeated Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko when Farooq pinned Saturn after a Spinebuster (1:32)
The APA defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) when Bradshaw pinned Bubba after a Clothesline from Hell (6:28)
X-Factor (X-Pac and Justin Credible) defeated The APA when X-Pac pinned Bradshaw while Albert was holding Bradshaw's foot (10:13)
X-Factor defeated The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) when X-Pac pinned Matt after a superkick (13:24)
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit defeated X-Factor when Benoit forced Credible to submit to the Crippler Crossface and Jericho forced X-Pac to submit to the Walls of Jericho (18:40)
Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit defeated Edge and Christian when Benoit forced Christian to submit to the Crippler Crossface (25:48)
Once Jericho and Benoit got in, it was good.

Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker in a No Holds Barred match to retain the WWF Championship (23:07)
Austin pinned The Undertaker after Triple H hit Undertaker with a sledge hammer.
Suprisingly good match.

~ Another solid show overall I guess. At least there's a **** match here.

~ Bonus match: Raw, the next night; Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit win the Tag Team titles from Stone Cold Steve Austin and HHH. HHH tore his quad in this match making the save on Austin. ****1/2

The Next SmackDown,
Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho defeated The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship
SmackDown!May 24, 2001,Anaheim, California

May 31 SmackDown Steve Austin beats Chris Benoit to retain the WWF Title. ****1/4
I know a lot of people have given this match around *****, but it doesn't hold up. Especially with all the hype.

~ 6-4-01 Steve Austin defeats Jericho to retain the WWF title. ***1/4

~6-11-01 Kurt Angle beats Chris Benoit in a cage match. ****

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