Thursday, August 23, 2007

Summerslam 1998 Review

An underated PPV in a time of shitty wrestling.

D'Lo Brown defeated Val Venis to retain the WWF European Championship (15:24)
Brown won when Venis was disqualified for shoving the referee.
Brown was introduced by ring announcer Tony Chimel as being from Helsinki, Finland as part of his "European Champion" gimmick.
Good opener.

The Oddities (Kurrgan, Golga and Giant Silva) (w/Luna Vachon and the Insane Clown Posse) defeated Kaientai (TAKA Michinoku, Dick Togo, Mens Teioh and Sho Funaki) (w/Yamaguchi-san) in a Handicap match (10:10)
Golga pinned all four members of Kaientai after a Big splash.
This was a comedy match and it was...kinda good I guess.

X-Pac (w/Howard Finkel) defeated Jeff Jarrett (w/Southern Justice (Mark Canterbury and Dennis Knight)) in a Hair vs. Hair match (11:11)
X-Pac pinned Jarrett after hitting him with Jarrett's guitar.
Before the match started, Commissioner Slaughter sent Southern Justice back to the locker room so they couldn't cheat.
When Jarrett lost the match, The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg), The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) and Droz came down to the ring to assist X-Pac in cutting Jarrett's hair off.
Above average stuff going on here. Jarrett still has his hair cut like this.

Edge and Sable defeated Marc Mero and Jacqueline in a Mixed tag team match (8:26)
Sable pinned Mero after a Wheelbarrow Splash.
Sable pinned Mero in their match, despite it only being a mixed tag team match, not an inter-gender match.
Acceptable stuff from all involved.

Ken Shamrock defeated Owen Hart (w/Dan Severn) in a Lion's Den match (9:16)
Shamrock made Owen submit with a Ankle Lock.
This match took place in The Theater at Madison Square Garden, and drew 2,522 fans.
The 1st of only 3 Lion's Den matches. This was obviously the best.

The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg) defeated Mankind in a Handicap match to win the WWF Tag Team Championship (5:16)
Gunn pinned Mankind after a spike piledriver.
Kane no-showed to defend his Tag Team Championship, but after the match, Gunn and Road Dogg put Mankind in the dumpster they brought out to the ring. Kane was in the dumpster and hit Mankind with a sledgehammer and then wheeled it away.
Short and sweet.

Triple H (w/Chyna) defeated The Rock (w/Mark Henry) in a Ladder match to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship (26:01)
Triple H won by grabbing the belt after Chyna gave a low blow to The Rock.
The only other **** match this year in the WWF. Good stuff witht these guys. This match helped Rock become a main event player.

Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker to retain the WWF Championship (20:52)
Austin pinned Undertaker after a Stone Cold Stunner.
During the match, Kane came out to interfere. However, The Undertaker told Kane to go back into the locker room, wanting no help in the match.
Another really good match. It's like they're going out of style.

~ An underrated show no doubt and the PPV of the year. A **** match and a handful of *** matches so that’s good.

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