Thursday, August 23, 2007

In Your House: Rock Bottom Review

Another December PPV named after a wrestler.

Mark Henry and D'Lo Brown (w/Terri Runnels and Jacqueline) defeated The Godfather and Val Venis (5:56)
Henry pinned Venis after a Big Splash.
Little to no action here.

The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) defeated The Oddities (Kurrgan and Golga) (6:52)
Mosh pinned Golga.
Another stinker.

Steve Blackman defeated Owen Hart (10:28)
Hart was counted-out
MOTN at less than ***.

The Brood (Edge, Christian, and Gangrel) defeated The J.O.B. Squad (Al Snow, Scorpio, and Bob Holly) (9:08)
Christian pinned Scorpio after a Impaler.
This wasn't that bad really.

Goldust defeated Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) (8:02)
Jarret was disqualified by Commissioner Shawn Michaels when Debra hit Goldust with a guitar.
As a result of Jarrett losing, Debra had to strip. If Goldust had lost he would have had to strip.
A lot of heat because of the stipulation here but not much else. Oh yeah, Debra's silicon hoo-has are hanging around too.

The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg and Billy Gunn) defeated The Big Boss Man and Ken Shamrock to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (17:04)
Gunn pinned Shamrock
Way too long for these guys.

Mankind defeated WWF Champion The Rock(13:32)
Mankind knocked Rock out with the Mandible claw, but Vince McMahon returned the title to The Rock saying that The Rock never submitted.
OK stuff going on here.

Steve Austin defeated The Undertaker in a Buried Alive match (21:30)
As a result, Austin qualified for the 1999 Royal Rumble Match
20 minutes of this? I'm disgusted.

~ No suprise from me, it's another bad show. Not to go off on a rant here but man did 98 suck as far as wrestling goes. 2 **** matches all year long. The stoylines were great, don;t get me wrong, but I'm in it for the in ring stuff. Sadly, 1999 is even worse.

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