Friday, August 24, 2007

Wrestlemania 15 Review

The granddaddy of 'em all!

Hardcore Holly defeated Billy Gunn (c) and Al Snow in a Hardcore match to win the WWF Hardcore Championship (7:06)
Holly pinned Snow after Gunn had hit Snow with a Fameasser onto a steel chair then knocked Gunn out with a chair and pinned Snow.
Road Dogg was originally in this match. He and Billy changed places when they won the belts. It may have been the dumbest idea ever. I mean, Road Dogg had been tearing it up in the Hardcore division. Billy was chasing the IC title for months. Then Russo changed it to make no sense. It just boggles the mind.

Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) defeated Test and D'Lo Brown (w/Ivory) to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (3:58)
Jarrett pinned Brown after Owen dropkicked Brown into Jarrett's roll-up.
Ivory was again assaulted by Jacqueline and Terri.
Speaking of "boggles the mind," on Sunday Night Heat before the show, they held a battle royale to see who would face the tag champs at Mania. The last 2 would get the chance and LOOKIE HERE, a face and a heel were teamed together at the biggest show of the year. Could they not have had D'Lo and Godfather just team and job?

Butterbean defeated Bart Gunn (w/Vinny Paz as special guest referee) in a Brawl for All match (0:35)
Butterbean knocked out Gunn 35 seconds into the first round with a haymaker.
The judges for the Brawl for All included Gorilla Monsoon, Chuck Wepner, and Kevin Rooney.
No Rating
This is Wrestlecrap stuff right here. The introductions alone are longer than the fight.

Mankind defeated The Big Show by disqualification (6:50)
Big Show was disqualified after he chokeslamed Mankind through two steel chairs.
The winner of the match got to be the special guest referee for the main event.
Another bad match. Een Foley called it crap in his book.

Road Dogg defeated Ken Shamrock, Goldust (w/The Blue Meanie and Ryan Shamrock) and Val Venis in a Four Corners Elimination Match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (9:47)
Shamrock and Venis were eliminated by count-out after brawling outside the ring.
Road Dogg pinned Goldust after Ryan Shamrock accidentally tripped up Goldust.
See Hardcore match comments.

Before the next match, The San Diego Chicken came out again and tried to attack Kane. Kane pulled the mask off the chicken to reveal him to be Pete Rose, wanting revenge for the Tombstone Piledriver he got last year. Kane then gave Rose another Tombstone Piledriver.

Kane defeated Triple H by disqualification (11:33)
Triple H was disqualified after Chyna turned on Kane and attacked Kane with a steel chair. Triple H and Chyna then reunited.
I would have been more interested in seeing HHH vs. Chyna.

Vince McMahon made an announcement, declaring that with Mankind and Big Show both unable to referee the main event, he will be the special guest referee instead.

Sable defeated Tori to retain the WWF Women's Championship (5:06)
Sable pinned Tori with a Sable Bomb after Tori was attacked by a debuting Nicole Bass.

Shane McMahon (w/Test) defeated X-Pac to retain the WWF European Championship (8:41)
McMahon pinned X-Pac after an interfering Triple H turned on X-Pac and hit him with the Pedigree. A brawl between members of Vince McMahon's Corporation and D-Generation X took place until Kane came out and chased the Corporation backstage.
A good match I guess. Time has not helped it since Shane has had better matches.

The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) defeated The Big Boss Man in a Hell in a Cell match (9:46)
Undertaker pinned Big Boss Man following a Tombstone Piledriver.
After the match, The Brood came down from the ceiling and lowered a noose into the cell. There, Undertaker hanged Big Boss Man off the top of the cell.
Worst HIAC match ever. God this PPV sucked.

Before Vince McMahon could make himself referee, WWF Commissioner Shawn Michaels came out and preventing this move happening, stating that only the Commissioner could decide who referees what match.

Steve Austin defeated The Rock (w/Mankind as special guest referee) to win the WWF Championship (16:52)
Austin pinned The Rock after a Stone Cold Stunner. Afterwards, Austin had a beer bash with Earl Hebner and delivered a final Stunner to Vince.
Finally a good match. After all that just happened, it makes this match look like a ***** classic.

If the main event sucked, this would have been the worst WM ever. The main event did not suck, so it's just the 2nd worst ever. At least 13 had a ***** match and a *** match. THis one blew.

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