Thursday, August 23, 2007

In Your House: Over the Edge 1998 Review

Finally a good match this year.

L.O.D. 2000 (Hawk and Animal) (w/Sunny and Droz) defeated D.O.A. (Skull and 8-Ball) (w/Chainz) (9:56)
Animal pinned 8-Ball after a Powerslam.
And away we go with more shit.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee) defeated Steve Blackman (10:18)
Jarrett pinned Blackman after Lee hit Blackman with a kendo stick.
Another bad match.

Marc Mero defeated Sable (0:21)
Mero pinned Sable with a Cradle, forcing Sable to leave the WWF.
What you see in the match description is all that happened.

Kaientai (Dick Togo, Men's Teioh, and Sho Funaki) defeated TAKA Michinoku and Justin Bradshaw in a Handicap match (9:54)
Togo pinned Michinoku after a Senton Bomb.
Wow a *** match! This is a variety in 98.

The Rock defeated Faarooq to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship(5:02)
Rock pinned Faarooq with a roll-up and his feet on the ropes.
Looks like its gonna be another shitty PPV...

Kane (w/Paul Bearer) defeated Vader in a Mask vs. Mask match (7:20)
Kane pinned Vader after a Tombstone Piledriver.
...Unless something can save it...

The Nation of Domination (Owen Hart, Kama Mustafa, and D'Lo Brown) defeated D-Generation X (Triple H, Billy Gunn, and Road Dogg) (18:33)
Hart pinned Triple H after a Pedigree.
Nope, that's not enough to save it. What will? Is there anything?

Steve Austin defeated Dude Love (w/Vince McMahon as Special Guest Referee) to retain the WWF Championship(22:28)
Austin pinned Love after a Stone Cold Stunner and making the 3 count with McMahon's unconscious hand.
Gerald Brisco was Guest Timekeeper and Pat Patterson was Guest Ring Announcer.
Finally a **** match! Thank you God. This is the flagship match in the Austin vs. McMahon rivalry.

~ One great match and 1 *** match, so whatever. Another bad show though not as bad as Unforgiven.

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