Thursday, August 23, 2007

In Your House XIX: Degeneration-X Review

OK they’re not even trying to think up names anymore.

TAKA Michinoku defeated Brian Christopher to win the vacant WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (12:02)
Michinoku pinned Christopher after a Michinoku Driver.
This was the finals of a tournament for the newly re-activated LH Title.
Color me crazy I liked it. And there is not much to like about this show so buckle up.

Los Boricuas (Miguel Pérez, Jr., Jesus Castillo, Jr., and Jose Estrada, Jr.) defeated the Disciples of Apocalypse (Chainz, Skull, and 8-Ball) (7:57)
Estrada pinned Chainz after a Leg drop from Perez..
Color me brain-dead I hated it.

Butterbean defeated Marc Mero in a "Toughman match" (4th round- 0:10)
Mero was disqualified for hitting Butterbean with a low-blow.
No Rating
Oh my God this was fucking awful. Do yourself a favor and fast forward the pain.

The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg) defeated The Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal) to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (10:33)
LOD was disqualified after Hawk hit Road Dogg with a bucket.
Lots of shit on this show.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) defeated Sgt. Slaughter in a Boot Camp match (17:39)
Triple H pinned Slaughter after a Pedigree after Chyna interfered and hit a low blow on Slaughter.
Oh my, so much shit. This was like a nightmare. I usually don’t give too many negative stars but this was long and boring and painful and yada, yada, yada, does it really matter what else I put in there IT SUCKED!

Jeff Jarrett defeated The Undertaker by disqualification (6:56)
Undertaker was disqualified after Kane interfered and Chokeslammed Jarrett.
AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE PAIN!!!!! THE AGONY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Austin defeated The Rock to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (5:37)
Austin pinned Rock after a Stone Cold Stunner.
Never thought I’d be so glad to see a ** match. Ahh…mediocrity…how I missed you.

Ken Shamrock defeated WWF Champion Shawn Michaels (w/Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Chyna) by disqualification (18:29)
Michaels was disqualified after HHH and Chyna attacked Shamrock; Michaels retained the WWF Title.
After the match, Owen Hart made a surprise appearance by knocking Michaels off the ring apron to the floor and pounding on him before escaping through the crowd.
I was actually looking forward to this match, until I saw the match. Does that make sense? I think I’m brain-dead again.

~ NEVER SEE THIS SHOW. That’s the review. Do not have unprotected sex with this show. I don’t want to run the risk of seeing another one walking around in my neighborhood. Is that racist? I don’t know. Goodbye cruel world.

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