Thursday, August 23, 2007

1997 Royal Rumble Review

I was at this show. My first PPV. I remember I got the Flu that morning but I still went. Shawn Michaels also had the Flu as this was the first time of many that I would be referred to as HBK’s Curse.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Curtis Hughes) defeated Goldust (w/Marlena) to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (16:50)
Helmsley pinned Goldust after a Pedigree.
Way too long.

Ahmed Johnson defeated Faarooq (w/Nation of Domination) by disqualification (8:48)
Faarooq was disqualified after the Nation interfered and attacked Johnson.
Following the match, Ahmed put one of the Nation's members through the French Announcers' table.
These guys never really had a blowoff to their feud.

Vader defeated The Undertaker (13:19)
Vader pinned Undertaker after a Vaderbomb.
Paul Bearer came out and interfered on behalf of Vader. Bearer later hit Undertaker with his urn.
After the match, The Undertaker chokeslammed referee Jack Doan.
They would have a much better match at Canadian Stampede in July.

Héctor Garza, Perro Aguayo and El Canek defeated Jerry Estrada, Heavy Metal and Fuerza Guerrera (10:56)
Aguayo pinned Metal after a diving double foot stomp off the top rope.
Why was this on here? Oh yeah, to let the real guys rest before the rumble.

Steve Austin won the 1997 Royal Rumble (50:29)
The final two participants were Steve Austin and Bret Hart. Austin eliminated Bret from behind to win the Royal Rumble.
After being eliminated, Mankind and Terry Funk began brawling outside the ring and had to be broken up by referees. As this was going on, Hart eliminated Austin but as the referees were preoccupied with the brawl, Austin's elimination was unseen. Austin then snuck back in and proceeded to illegally eliminate Vader and the Undertaker (who were fighting on the ropes) and then Bret Hart (who had just eliminated Diesel).
Following the match, Bret protested the outcome and started to shove around the referees and commentator Vince McMahon.
The match was affected early on with the countdown clock and buzzer not working until the appearance of entrant #6.
I was shocked when Austin won. We were cheering for both Bret and Austin in our section but it was mighty crazy when Austin eliminated Hart.

Shawn Michaels (w/Jose Lothario) defeated Sycho Sid to win the WWF Championship (13:49)
Michaels pinned Sid after a Sweet Chin Music.
I marked out like a bitch when Shawn won the title. Not much else happened here. Needless to say, it was better live than watching at home.

Not a good show.

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