Friday, August 24, 2007

Summerslam 1999 Review

Just 2 days from the 07 Summerslam, I look into the 99 version.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) defeated D'Lo Brown to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship and WWF European Championship (7:27)
Jarrett pinned Brown after Mark Henry hit Brown in the head with Jarrett's guitar.
If it had more time, it could have gotten to ***.

The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw) defeated Edge and Christian, The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) (w/Gangrel), Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly, Droz and Prince Albert, & Mideon and Viscera in a Tag Team Turmoil match (16:13)
Christian pinned Matt Hardy (5:02)
Edge pinned Mideon (7:01)
Edge pinned Albert (8:50)
Bradshaw pinned Christian (13:35)
Faarooq pinned Hardcore (16:13)
The main reason I ave this **1/2 is because of E&C vs. Hardys. It was really fun for 5 minutes. The rest was OK too until the end.

Al Snow defeated The Big Boss Man to win the WWF Hardcore Championship (7:27)
Snow pinned Bossman after Road Dogg hit Bossman in the head with his own nightstick.
The match never actually took place in the ring, but instead in the streets on Minneapolis and in a local bar.
About as good as last month's match. I hate how Bossman doesn't sell.

Ivory defeated Tori to retain the WWF Women's Championship (4:08)
Ivory pinned Tori after blocking a Sunset flip attempt into a pin.
After the match, Luna Vachon chased off Ivory, who was trying to disrobe Tori after the match.
Yeah, Fast Forward.

Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman in a Lion's Den weapons match (9:06)
Shamrock defeated Blackman by TKO when Blackman was knocked out.
Not even close to last year's LD match.

Test defeated Shane McMahon in a "Love-Her-or-Leave-Her match" (12:04)
Test pinned McMahon after a top rope elbow drop
The Mean Street Posse came down to the ring to help Shane, but Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson held them back.
By winning this match Test earned the right to date Stephanie McMahon.
After what seemed like ages we finally have a nother match around ****. This was a lot of fun and Shane really showed what he could do. Watching this match, it is crazy how Test never became a Superstar.

The Undertaker and The Big Show defeated X-Pac and Kane to win the WWF Tag Team Championship (12:01)
Undertaker pinned X-Pac after a Tombstone piledriver.
About as good as can be expected.

The Rock defeated Mr. Ass in "Kiss My Ass match" (10:12)
Rock pinned Mr. Ass after a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow.
During the match, The Rock shoved Mr. Ass' face into a large woman's ass.
See above. What a dumb gimmick match.

Mankind defeated Steve Austin (c) and Triple H (w/Chyna) (w/Jesse Ventura as Special guest referee) in a Triple Threat match to win the WWF Championship (16:23)
Mankind pinned Austin after a Double-Arm DDT.
After the match Triple H attacked Austin with a steel chair, injuring his knee.
Austin refused to job to HHH. Mankind wins in a good match.

~ Easily the best PPV of the year. I have 3 *** matches with one of them bordering **** and was a candidate for MOTY thus far.

~ Bonus match: Raw, the next night; HHH defeats Mankind with Shane McMahon as the special referee to win the WWF title. **1/2

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