Thursday, August 23, 2007

Review of 2 classic matches before Wrestlemania 13

From A March Raw in Germany:

1. The British Bulldog defeated Owen Hart to win the WWF European Championship in the finals of a tournament to crown the first champion
Bulldog reversed a victory roll for the pin.
One of my favorite matches ever.

Bret Hart defeated Steve Austin, Vader (w/Paul Bearer) and The Undertaker in a Four Corners Elimination match to win the vacant WWF Championship (24:05)
Hart threw Austin over the top rope as he was attempting to eliminate the Undertaker(18:09)
Undertaker threw Vader over the top rope as he was attempting a Vaderbomb (23:03)
Hart threw Undertaker over the top rope after outside distraction from Austin (24:05)
Great match but Bret lost the belt to Sid the next night.

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