Thursday, August 16, 2007

Summerslam 1995 Review

During the summer of 96 I saw this show like 5 times a day. Was it worth all the views?

Hakushi defeated The 1-2-3 Kid (9:28)
Hakushi pinned 1-2-3 Kid after reversing the spinning heel kick.
Very fun opener.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Bob Holly (7:11)
Helmsley pinned Holly after a Pedigree.
Triple H breaks the glass ceiling he would one day rebuild. *sniffs* Memories...Match sucked by the way.

The Smokin' Gunns (Billy and Bart) defeated The Blu Brothers (Jacob and Eli) (6:10)
Bart pinned Eli.
Moving on.

Barry Horowitz defeated Skip (w/Sunny) (11:21)
Horowitz pinned Skip with a roll-up after distraction from Hakushi.
Barry Horowitz used Hava Nagila as his entrance music.
Sunny tried to throw in the towel for Skip, but referee Earl Hebner let the match continue.
A good squash match where the jobber pulls off the upset.

Bertha Faye (w/Harvey Wippleman) defeated Alundra Blayze to win the WWF Women's Championship (4:37)
Faye pinned Blayze after a Sit Out Powerbomb.
4 minute womens matches on PPV. A sign of years to come?

The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) defeated Kama (w/Ted DiBiase) in a Casket match (16:26)
Undertaker defeated Kama by putting him in the casket and closing the lid.
Way too long.

Bret Hart defeated Isaac Yankem (16:08)
Hart defeated Yankem by Disqualification after Jerry Lawler and Yankem choked Bret in the ring ropes.
Solid carrying job by Bret against the man known today as Kane.

Shawn Michaels defeated Razor Ramon in a Ladder match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (24:58)
Michaels defeated Ramon by grabbing the title.
The Intercontinental title match was originally scheduled to be Shawn Michaels vs. Sid, but 2 weeks before the event, the match was changed (due to "popular demand" according to on-screen president Gorilla Monsoon).
I like this ladder match more than the other one. The finish was botched but the rest of the match more than makes up for it.

Diesel defeated King Mabel (w/Sir Mo) to retain the WWF Championship (9:15)
Diesel pinned Mabel after a Flying Clothesline.
Lex Luger made a brief appearance towards the end of the match, preventing Sir Mo from further interference in the bout.
I might have given this the highest rating ever for this match. At least compared to what others think of it. I think if you watch it years after it takes the pain away.

~ One all-time match and one really good match on the show. Everything else was pretty bad. Still, you should see this ladder match at least once.

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