Monday, August 27, 2007

2000 King of the Ring Review

Can the red hot PPV streak continue?

KOTR Quarter-Final: Rikishi defeated Chris Benoit (3:25)
Benoit was disqualified after attacking Rikishi with a steel chair.
3 minutes? You can usually tell when someone is gonna go to the finals in a tournament. They have a really short match somewhere during it.

KOTR Quarter-Final: Val Venis defeated Eddie Guerrero (8:04)
Venis pinned Guerrero with a Bridging Fisherman's Suplex.
Not bad, let's see where the next match takes us.

KOTR Quarter-Final: Crash Holly defeated Bull Buchanan (4:07)
Crash pinned Buchanan with a roll-up.
This show is dying.

KOTR Quarter-Final: Kurt Angle defeated Chris Jericho (9:50)
Angle pinned Jericho after an Angle Slam.
OK here we go. Let's see if we can continue that.

Edge and Christian defeated Too Cool (Grand Master Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty) (c), The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) (w/Lita) and T & A (Test and Albert) (w/Trish Stratus) in a Four Corners Elimination match to win the WWF Tag Team Championship (14:11)
Matt pinned Test after Jeff hit a Swanton Bomb. (3:41)
Christian pinned Matt after an Unprettier (7:55)
Edge pinned Sexay after Christian hit Sexay with a tag title belt. (14:11)
Staying strong, lets keep it going.

KOTR Semi-Final: Rikishi defeated Val Venis (3:15)
Rikishi pinned Venis after a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.
*1/4 guys beat the Hell out of each other on Smackdown in an awesome brawl, and they get 3 minutes?

KOTR Semi-Final: Kurt Angle defeated Crash Holly (3:58)
Angle pinned Crash after an Angle Slam.

WWF Hardcore Champion Pat Patterson fought Gerald Brisco to a no-contest in a Evening Gown match (3:07)
The match ended when Crash Holly pinned Patterson to win the Hardcore Championship.
WOW. This is bad, even for only 3 minutes. I hope no one bought this PPV just to see this match. May God have mercy on your soul if you did (and you know who you are)

D-Generation X (Road Dogg and X-Pac) and Tori defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) in a Handicap Tables Dumpster match (9:45)
DX and Tori won when both Dudleyz were put in the dumpster.
After the match, the Dudleyz hit the 3D on both X-Pac and Road Dogg before Bubba Ray hit a sit-down powerbomb off the top on Tori through a table set up in the ring.
The Dudleys look like idiots after this match.

KOTR Final: Kurt Angle defeated Rikishi to win the King of the Ring tournament (5:56)
Angle pinned Rikishi after a Super Belly-to-Belly Suplex.
Wow. What. A. Finals. (sarcasm)

The Rock, Kane and The Undertaker defeated Triple H, Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon (17:54)
Rock pinned Vince after a Rock Bottom to win the WWF Championsip.
The pre-match stipulation was that Triple H's WWF Title was on the line and whoever got the pinfall/submission would get the title as well.
Dissapointing. The Shane-Taker Chokeslam-through-the-table bump was great.

~ Call it. The awesome PPV streak ends at 5. It’s hard to believe that the WWF could mess this show up, but having tournament style PPVs leads to bad shows.

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