Thursday, August 16, 2007

In Your House VI: Rage in the Cage Review

And away we go...

Razor Ramon defeated The 1-2-3 Kid (w/Ted DiBiase) in a "Crybaby Match" (12:01)
Ramon pinned Kid after a Razor's Edge.
Per the pre-match stipulation, Ramon put a diaper on the Kid after the match.
Very New Generation like feel to it. Pretty good though.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Duke Droese (9:38)
Helmsley pinned Droese.
Haven't seen it.

Yokozuna defeated The British Bulldog (w/Jim Cornette) (5:05)
Bulldog was disqualified.

Shawn Michaels defeated Owen Hart (w/Jim Cornette) (15:57)
Michaels pinned Owen after Sweet Chin Music.
Michaels' WrestleMania title shot was on the line in this match.
Really good match. Everyone knew HBK was going over though.

Bret Hart defeated Diesel in a Steel cage match to retain the WWF Championship (19:13)
Bret won by escaping the cage after The Undertaker appeared from underneath the ring and dragged Diesel underneath.
This match has a famous finish and not much else.

~ Blah show with an good match squeezed in there.

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