Thursday, August 16, 2007

Summerslam 1996 Review

Another month of only 2 matches that I've seen

Mankind defeated The Undertaker in a Boiler Room Brawl (26:40)
Mankind won after Paul Bearer hit Undertaker in the head with the urn, and gave it to Mankind.
The boiler room portion of the match was filmed the day before.
Really long and a little slow in some parts.

Shawn Michaels (w/Jose Lothario) defeated Vader (w/Jim Cornette) to retain the WWF Championship (28:59)
Michaels pinned Vader after a Moonsault.
Vader had originally won the match twice, first by count-out and then by disqualification, but because WWF championships can only change hands by pinfall or submission, Cornette demanded the match restart both times. WWF President Gorilla Monsoon allowed this when Michaels agreed.
Great match. Vader was supposed to win the strap before Shawn through his patented hissy fit and kept the title.

Solid 2 matches.

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