Friday, August 24, 2007

In Your House: Backlash 1999 Review

Austin and Rock continue their epic feud.

The Ministry of Darkness (Bradshaw, Faarooq and Mideon) defeated The Brood (Edge, Christian & Gangrel) (11:38)
Bradshaw pinned Christian after Viscera interfered.
Suprisingly good opener mostly thanks to The Brood.

Al Snow (w/Head) defeated Hardcore Holly to win the WWF Hardcore Championship (15:27)
Snow pinned Holly after hitting him with Head.
Another fun little match. This show is already better then Mania.

The Godfather defeated Goldust (w/The Blue Meanie) to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (5:21)
Godfather pinned Goldust after a Pimp Drop.
And we're back to shit.

The New Age Outlaws(Road Dogg and Billy Gunn) defeated Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart (w/Debra) (10:33)
Gunn pinned Hart after a Fameasser to earn NAO a WWF Tag Team Title shot.
Decent enough match. Owen's final match on PPV.

Mankind defeated The Big Show in a Boiler Room Brawl (7:40)
After the match The Big Show saved Mankind from an attack by Test and The Big Boss Man.
Good fun here.

Triple H (w/Chyna) defeated X-Pac(19:19)
Triple H pinned X-Pac after a Pedigree.
Another good match. After last month I didn't know it was possible.

The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) defeated Ken Shamrock (18:50)
Undertaker pinned Shamrock after a Tombstone piledriver.
Again, pretty good stuff. At least they're consistant.

Steve Austin defeated The Rock to retain the WWF Championship (w/Shane McMahon as Special Guest Referee) (17:07)
Austin pinned Rock after a Stone Cold Stunner.
Same rating as last month, although it was a tad better. Stunner with the camera was great.

~ A better than average show for 99. Nothing was really bad and most everything was at least pretty good.

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