Thursday, August 16, 2007

In Your House II: The Lumberjacks Review

With an original name like that, makes you wonder what kind of match the main event is.

The Roadie defeated The 1-2-3 Kid (7:26)
Roadie pinned 1-2-3 Kid after a Top-Rope Piledriver.
Color me suprise. This was a good match.

Men on a Mission (King Mabel and Sir Mo) defeated Razor Ramon and Savio Vega (10:09)
Mabel pinned Ramon after a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.
Considering who is involved, how good this one was is shocking.

Jeff Jarrett and Sawyer Brown performed the single "With My Baby Tonight". It would later be revealed that Jarrett was lip-syncing for The Roadie.

Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Henry Godwinn (5:33)
Bigelow pinned Godwin.
Ah..thats more like it. I miss you 1995 WWF.

Shawn Michaels defeated Jeff Jarrett (w/The Roadie) to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship (20:01)
Michaels pinned Jarrett after Roadie accidentally tripped Jarrett.
What the hell? A **** match in 1995? God must exist.

Owen Hart and Yokozuna defeated The Allied Powers (Lex Luger and The British Bulldog) to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (10:54)
Yokozuna pinned Luger after a legdrop.
Wow did I like this one more than I thought I would.

Diesel defeated Sycho Sid in a Lumberjack Match to retain the WWF Championship
Diesel pinned Sid after a big boot.
And then there's this...oh well. I'm still in shock at a ****1/4 match at an IYH.

Dark match: Bret Hart defeated Jean-Pierre Lafitte (13:25)
Bret won with a rollup.
Solid enough.

Dark match: The Undertaker defeated Kama in a Casket match
Undertaker put Kama in the casket and closed the lid.
Eh. Just good old Undertaker main eventing another dark match.

A ****+ match in 95. I mean, wow. Suprsingly shittyless show (OK there were some stinkers, but not as many as we're used to seeing.

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