Monday, August 27, 2007

Summerslam 2000 Review

Kurt Angle's first main event...kinda...

Right to Censor (Steven Richards, Bull Buchanan and The Goodfather) defeated Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty, Grand Master Sexay and Rikishi) (w/Victoria and Mandy) (5:12)
Richards pinned Scotty after a Steven Kick.
Very dissapointing. I was expecting around *** from this match.

X-Pac defeated Road Dogg (4:42)
X-Pac pinned Road Dogg after a X-Factor.
RAW match.

Chyna and Eddie Guerrero defeated Val Venis and Trish Stratus in a Mixed Tag Team match (7:13)
Chyna pinned Trish after a Gorilla Press Slam to win the WWF Intercontinental Championship.
Venis' IC Title was on the line in this match.
Good for an intergender match.

Jerry Lawler defeated Tazz (4:24)
Lawler pinned Tazz after Jim Ross hit Tazz in the head with a glass jar of candy.

Steve Blackman defeated Shane McMahon to win the WWF Hardcore Championship (10:08)
Blackman pinned Shane McMahon.
Blackman chased McMahon to the top of the TitanTron and knocked Shane off. Blackman also had a high fall when he gave him an elbow drop off the structure.
During the match Test and Albert interfered on Shane's behalf.
This was average I guess. Shane's fall is noteworthy here.

Chris Benoit defeated Chris Jericho in a 2 out of 3 Falls match (13:02)
Benoit won the first fall by submission (3:15)
Jericho won the second fall by submission (8:25)
Benoit pinned Jericho using the the ropes for leverage (13:02)
Finally we get something good. I wish it could have gone longer.

Edge and Christian defeated The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) (w/Lita) and The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) in a TLC match to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (14:51)
Edge and Christian won by grabbing the belts after knocking down Jeff Hardy.
More good stuff. I find this match to be a tad overated though. It won MOTY in the WWF. Watch the wrestlemania matches between these 3 teams and tell me this isn't the weakest.

The Kat (w/Al Snow) defeated Terri (w/Perry Saturn) in a "Stinkface match" (3:06)
Kat won by giving Terri a stinkface.
No Rating
Why is this on here? Those 3 minutes plus entrances could have gone to Benoit-Jericho.

The Undertaker fought Kane to no contest (6:28)
The match ended when Undertaker ripped off Kane's mask and Kane ran away.
A no contest? This show is upseting me.

The Rock defeated Kurt Angle and Triple H in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWF Championship (20:09)
Rock pinned Triple H after Angle hit him with a sledgehammer.
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley came out to help Triple H, but Triple H made her go back to the locker room.
Good little match. Kurt suffered a real concussion when HHH pedigreeed him through a table and the table gave way. Kurt slammed his head on the concrete.

~ Pretty good show but beware, there is some shit on it.

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