Thursday, August 23, 2007

One Nite Stand Review

The first ever U.K. only PPV. Hey, it kinda ruled.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Dude Love(11:00)
Helmsley pinned Love.
Nice start.

The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) defeated Savio Vega and Miguel Pérez, Jr. to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship(14:00)
Mosh pinned Pérez.
More solid action.

The Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal) defeated The Godwinns (Henry and Phineas)(11:00)
Hawk pinned Phineas.
OK starting to go down a little.

Vader defeated Owen Hart
Vader pinned Owen.
Alright starting to go back up.

Bret Hart defeated The Undertaker to retain the WWF Championship(28:00)
Undertaker was disqualified when he refused to allow the referee to untangle Hart's neck from in between the ropes.
Hey look, a **** match. On a UK PPV. Who would have thought?

Shawn Michaels defeated The British Bulldog to win the WWF European Championship(24:00)
The referee stopped the match when he determined Bulldog couldn't continue the match after he passed out in the Figure Four Leglock.
Another **** match! Wow this might be the best PPV of the year.

~ 2 **** matches and 1 *** make this show great.

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