Monday, August 27, 2007

No Way Out 2001 Review


The Big Show defeated Raven to win the WWF Hardcore Championship (6:13)
Big Show pinned Raven.
During the match Billy Gunn pinned Raven to win the WWF Hardcore Championship, then Raven pinned Billy Gunn to win the WWF Hardcore Championship
Fun little garbage match.

Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero and X-Pac in a Fatal Four-Way match to retain the WWF Intercontinental Championship (12:18)
Jericho pinned X-Pac.
Just throw in the workrate and watch it do it's thing.

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley defeated Trish Stratus (8:30)
Stephanie pinned Stratus after William Regal interfered and used the Regal Cutter on Trish.
Suprisingly watchable. Actually it was almost one of the best WWE women's matches ever.

Triple H defeated Steve Austin in a 3 Stages Of Hell Match (39:27)
Austin pinned HHH in a Regular Match (12:20)
HHH pinned Austin in a Street Fight (27:11)
HHH pinned Austin in a Steel cage match (39:27)
A lot of people have this match at *****. I can't go that high. The stuff in the cage seemed like too much.

Steven Richards defeated Jerry Lawler (5:31)
Richards pinned Lawler after The Kat accidentally hit Lawler with the Women's Championship belt.
As a result of Lawler losing, The Kat was forced to join Right to Censor.
This is like the only crap on this card.

The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated Edge and Christian and The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and The Undertaker) in a Tables Match to retain the WWF Tag Team Championships (12:06)
The Dudleyz sent Christian through a table with a 3D.
Even this was above average.

The Rock defeated Kurt Angle to win the WWF Championship (16:54)
Rock pinned Angle after two Rock Bottoms.
The Big Show entered in middle of the match and chokeslammed Rock, Angle and the referee.
Another great match. Almost ****1/4.

~ 3 **** matches! This show never gets the respect it deserves. 3 **** matches? C'mon!

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