Thursday, August 23, 2007

In Your House: Unforgiven 1998 Review

The 1st PPV with Austin vs. McMahon

Faarooq, Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman defeated The Nation of Domination (The Rock, D'Lo Brown and Mark Henry) (w/The Godfather) (13:07)
Faarooq pinned Rock after a Dominator.
OK match but a tad too long.

Triple H (w/Chyna) defeated Owen Hart to retain the WWF European Championship (12:38)
Triple H pinned Hart after X-Pac hit Hart with a fire extinguisher.
Chyna was suspended in a cage over the ring, but escaped after Road Dogg lowered the cage.
Dissapointing. Not bad but dissapointing.

The New Midnight Express (Bodacious Bart and Bombastic Bob) (w/Jim Cornette) defeated The Rock 'n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) to retain the NWA World Tag Team Championship (7:20)
Bart pinned Gibson after a bulldog.
Why is the Rock 'n' Roll Express on the roster?

Luna Vachon (w/The Artist Formely Known As Goldust) defeated Sable in an Evening Gown Match (2:35)
Luna ripped off Sable's dress while Sable was distracted by Marc Mero.
No Rating
BOOBAGE GALORE! Not a match so no rating.

The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg) defeated L.O.D. 2000 (Animal and Hawk) to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (12:13)
Road Dogg pinned Animal when Animal failed to get his shoulders up during a German suplex pin.
God this show is starting to drag.

The Undertaker defeated Kane (w/Paul Bearer) in the first Inferno Match (15:57)
Undertaker won the match by setting Kane's arm on fire.
Sadly not the last Inferno Match.

Dude Love defeated WWF Champion Steve Austin by disqualification (18:52)
Austin was Disqualified by Gerald Brisco for hitting Vince McMahon with a steel chair, as a result Austin retained the title.
Match does not hold up well.

~ Mediocre PPV with one above average match. This is a horrible show.

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