Thursday, August 16, 2007

In Your House I: Premiere Review

The first IYH... Hope your standards weren't to high...

Bret Hart defeated Hakushi (w/Shinja) (14:39)
Hart pinned Hakushi with a Victory Roll.
Hey a fun little match. This show might be AWESOME!

Razor Ramon defeated Jeff Jarrett and The Roadie in a Handicap match (12:40)
Ramon pinned Jarrett after a Razor's Edge.
Savio Vega made his debut after the match by helping Razor fight off Jarrett and the Roadie.
OK...not as good...but ** is solid.

Mabel defeated Adam Bomb (1:53)
Mabel pinned Bomb after a powerslam.
This was a qualifying match for the 1995 King of the Ring tournament.
Yeah, why was this not on Raw?

Owen Hart and Yokozuna defeated The Smokin' Gunns (Billy and Bart) to retain the WWF Tag Team Championship (5:44)
Owen pinned Bart after a Yokozuna legdrop on the outside of the ring.
Feel the electricity? neither...

Jerry Lawler defeated Bret Hart (5:09)
Lawler pinned Bret after interference from Hakushi and Shinja.
Short and painful.

Diesel defeated Sycho Sid by disqualification to retain the WWF Championship (11:29)
Sid was disqualified after a run-in from Tatanka.
Wow. Now that's a main event! (SARCASM...oh the sarcasm...)

Dark match: Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Tatanka
Bigelow pinned Tatanka after a sunset flip off the top rope.
Dark match for a reason.

Dark match: The Undertaker defeated Kama
Undertaker pinned Kama after a Tombstone Piledriver.
The Undertaker never competed at that mant IYH's. He always main evented the dark match.

~ The opening match gave me high hopes…um…they didn’t deliver. This show was baaaaaaaaaaddddddddddd.

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