Tuesday, August 14, 2007

1994 Survivor Series

Nothing to say here...LETS GO!

(5 on 5) Survivor Series match: The Bad Guys' (Razor Ramon, The 1-2-3 Kid, Davey Boy Smith and The Headshrinkers (Fatu and Sionne)) (w/Afa and Capt. Lou Albano) defeated The Teamsters (Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart and Jeff Jarrett) (21:45)

Team: The Bad Guys
Eliminated by: Diesel
How : Pinfall after a Jacknife Powerbomb
Time: 13:31
1-2-3 Kid
Team: The Bad Guys
Eliminated by: Diesel
How: Pinfall after a Jacknife Powerbomb
Time: 14:13
Team: The Bad Guys
Eliminated by: Diesel
How: Pinfall after a Jacknife Powerbomb
Time: 14:44
Davey Boy Smith
Team:The Bad Guys
Eliminated by: Diesel
How: Count Out (thanks to Hart and Jarrett)
Time: 15:58
Michaels, Diesel, Hart, Neidhart & Jarrett
Team: The Teamsters
How: Counted-Out when they tried to stop Diesel from attacking Michaels
Time: 21:45

Sole Survivor: Razor Ramon (The Bad Guys)

After the match Michaels left the arena, blaiming Diesel for losing the match. He then threw down his half of the WWF Tag Team Championship, vacating the titles.
Fun opener. Shawn Superkicked Diesel accidentally and Diesel ran after him. Thus everyone from their team was counted out.

(4 on 4) Survivor Series match: The Royal Family (Jerry Lawler, Sleazy, Queasy and Cheesy) defeated Clowns 'R' Us (Doink the Clown, Dink, Pink and Wink) (16:05)
Sleazy, Queasy, and Cheesy were midget wrestlers wearing costumes similar to Lawler's. Likewise, "Pink" and "Wink" were made up to resemble Doink, as was the pre-existing Dink.
Team: Clowns 'R' Us
Eliminated by: Jerry Lawler
How: Pinfall
Time: 10:36
Team: Clowns 'R' Us
Eliminated by: Cheesy
How: Pinfall
Time: 13:10
Team: Clowns 'R' Us
Eliminated by: Cheesy
How: Pinfall
Time: 14:28
Team: Clowns 'R' Us
Eliminated by: Sleazy
How: Pinfall
Time: 16:05

Survivors: Jerry Lawler, Sleazy, Cheesy, and Queasy (The Royal Family)

After the match the midgets from The Royal Family turned on Lawler, the midgets from Clowns 'R' Us who were hiding under the ring tried to help The Royal Family. However, Lawler ran away from them. While walking backwards Doink came back with a pie and nailed Lawler with in the face.
Good God this had WWF "New Generation" all over it. Ugh.

Bob Backlund (w/Owen Hart) defeated Bret Hart (w/The British Bulldog) in a Submission match to win the WWF Championship (35:11)
In a match where the stipulation was that the only way the match could end was when the competitor's cornerman threw in the towel, Backlund defeated Bret with the Crossface Chickenwing. During the match, the Bulldog was knocked after running face-first into the ring steps while chasing Owen. While Bret was in the cross-face chicken wing, Owen cried and begged his parents to throw in the towel so Bret would not be hurt. Helen Hart threw in the towel, and Owen ran to the back cheering that Bret had lost.
Great match. A lot of it was Bret in the Chickenwing though. Owen was awesome.

(5 on 5) Survivor Series match: The Million Dollar Team (King Kong Bundy, Tatanka, Bam Bam Bigelow and The Heavenly Bodies (Jimmy Del Ray and Tom Prichard)) (w/Ted DiBiase) defeated Guts & Glory (Lex Luger, Mabel, Adam Bomb and The Smokin' Gunns (Billy and Bart)) (w/Oscar) (23:21)
Wrestler Team Eliminated by Elimination move Time
Team: Million Dollar Team
Eliminated by: Mabel
How: Pinfall after a Cross Body
Time: 3:58
Team: Guts & Glory
How: Counted-Out
Time: 7:15
Adam Bomb
Team: Guts & Glory
Eliminated by: Bam Bam Bigelow
How: Pinfall after a Moonsault
Time: 8:09
Del Ray
Team: Million Dollar Team
Eliminated by: Lex Luger
How: Pinfall after a Running Elbow smash
Time: 9:56
Bart Gunn
Team: Guts & Glory
Eliminated by: Tatanka
How: Pinfall after a Fallaway Slam
Billy Gunn
Team: Guts & Glory
Eliminated by: King Kong Bundy
How: Pinfall after a Avalanche
Time: 16:14
Team: Million Dollar Team
Eliminated by: Lex Luger
How: Pinfall with a Small Package
Time: 23:14
Lex Luger
Team: Guts & Glory
Elminated by: King Kong Bundy
How: Pinfall after a Big Splash

Survivors: Bam Bam Bigelow & King Kong Bundy (Million Dollar Team)
This was OK but a little long. But that's a Survivor Series match for ya.

The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) defeated Yokozuna (w/Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette) (w/Chuck Norris as Special Guest Enforcer) in a Casket match (15:24)
Late in the match, Irwin R. Schyster came in through the crowd and put Undertaker in a sleeper hold before leaving ringside.
This match obviously sucked like we all knew it would.

~ A **** match and a *** match on the card. Not a lot else.
Not Recommended

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