Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wrestlemania 23 Review

• Mr. Kennedy defeated Edge, CM Punk, King Booker (w/Queen Sharmell), Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Finlay and Randy Orton in a Money in the Bank ladder match (19:10)
o Kennedy grabbed the briefcase to win.
o ****
Perfect way to start the show.

• The Great Khali defeated Kane (5:31)
o Khali pinned Kane after a Chokebomb.
o ¼*
Not perfect in any way.

• Chris Benoit defeated Montel Vontavious Porter to retain the WWE United States Championship (9:19)
o Benoit pinned MVP after a Diving Headbutt.
o **3/4
A lot of people were suprised that Benoit got this good a match out of MVP. I thought it would be around here. Never really see Benoit win with the Headbutt.

• Howard Finkel introduced the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2007:
o "Good Ole J.R." Jim Ross, Jerry "The King" Lawler, Nick Bockwinkel, Mr. Fuji, The Wild Samoans (Afa and Sika). The Sheik was represented by his wife and "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig was represented by his mother and his father Larry Hennig.

• The Undertaker defeated Batista to win the World Heavyweight Championship (15:47)
o Undertaker pinned Batista after a Tombstone Piledriver.
o The Undertaker came out to "O Fortuna" with druids surrounding him.
o ****
I thought this match could be either really good or really bad. Fortunately
for everyone, it was really good.

• The ECW Originals (Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, The Sandman and Rob Van Dam) defeated The New Breed (Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker and Kevin Thorn) (w/Ariel) (6:26)
o Van Dam pinned Striker after a Five-Star Frog Splash.
o **

• Bobby Lashley (w/Donald Trump and Tara Conner) defeated Umaga (w/Vince McMahon and Armando Estrada) (w/Steve Austin as Special Guest Referee) in a Hair vs. Hair match
o Lashley pinned Umaga after a Stunner from Austin and a Spear from Lashley.
o During this Battle of the Billionaires, Shane McMahon interfered on Umaga's behalf.
o After the match, Trump and Lashley shaved Vince bald followed by Austin giving Trump a Stone Cold Stunner.
o **
I was expecting this to be a little better.

• Melina defeated Ashley Massaro in a Lumberjill match to retain the WWE Women's Championship (3:14)
o Melina pinned Ashley with a Bridge Pin.
o After the match, all of the lumberjills got in a catfight.
o Lumberjills: Victoria, Layla, Jillian Hall, Candice Michelle, Kelly Kelly, Trinity, Torrie Wilson, Brooke Adams, Kristal Marshall, Michelle McCool, Maria and Mickie James.
o ¼*

• John Cena defeated Shawn Michaels to retain the WWE Championship (28:21)
o Cena forced Michaels to submit with the STFU.
o ****
Great main event. Both guys were on their game.

Overall a good little Wrestlemania.

~ 4-23-07 Shawn Michaels beat John Cena with the Sweet Chin Music. Match went over 1 hour with commercials. ****1/2

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