Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Unforgiven 2005 Review

2 PPV's without HHH? What will we do?

• Ric Flair defeated Carlito to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship (11:46)
o Flair made Carlito submit to the Figure Four Leglock.
o **1/2
Nothing interesting to note except Flair actually connecting with a top rope move.

• Trish Stratus and Ashley Massaro defeated Vince's Devils (Victoria and Torrie Wilson) (w/Candice Michelle) (7:05)
o Trish pinned Victoria after a Chick Kick.
o *

• The Big Show defeated Snitsky (6:11)
o Big Show pinned Snitsky after a Chokeslam
o After the match Big Show hit Snitsky with the ring bell.
o *
Also sucked.

• Shelton Benjamin defeated Kerwin White (8:06)
o Benjamin pinned White after a T-Bone Suplex.
o **3/4
Sucked a little less than the past 2 sucks. Pretty good actually.

• Matt Hardy defeated Edge (w/Lita) in a Steel cage match (21:33)
o Hardy pinned Edge after a Leg Drop off the top of the cage.
o ****
Great match. Easily Hardy's best singles match.

• Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch defeated The Hurricane and Rosey to win the World Tag Team Championship (7:40)
o Murdoch pinned Hurricane after the Sweet and Sour.
o *1/2
And the long ass title reign of The Hurricane and Rosey comes to an end. I didn't even remember they were champs.

• Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Masters (16:44)
o Michaels pinned Masters after a Sweet Chin Music.
o ***1/2
Masters getting 16 minutes is never good. Shawn made it great though.

• Kurt Angle defeated WWE Champion John Cena by disqualification (17:15)
o Cena was disqualified for hitting Angle with the title belt, as a result Cena retained the title.
o ***
Nothing special.

~ Another average show with nothing going for it.

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