Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Vengeance 2005 Review

One of the best WWE shows in years.

• Carlito defeated Shelton Benjamin to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (12:46)
o Carlito pinned Benjamin with a roll-up after Benjamin hit an exposed turnbuckle.
o ***
Good start.

• Victoria defeated Christy Hemme (5:05)
o Victoria pinned Christy after blocking a Sunset Flip and holding the ropes.
o ½*
Not so good.

• Kane defeated Edge (w/Lita) (11:11)
o Kane pinned Edge after a Chokeslam.
o Snitsky interfered several times during the match on Edge's behalf.
o *3/4
Trust me just fast forward this shit.

• Shawn Michaels defeated Kurt Angle (26:11)
o Michaels pinned Angle after the Sweet Chin Music.
o Both men were given a standing ovation after the match.
o ****1/2
Almost as good as their WM match.

• Ring announcer Lilian Garcia proposed to Viscera in the ring. The Godfather then made his way out and convinced Viscera to leave with his hos, abandoning a crying Garcia in the ring.

• John Cena defeated Christian and Chris Jericho in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWE Championship (15:08)
o Cena pinned Christian after a FU.
o ****
I was really looking forward to this match when it was Cena vs. Christian. The rivalry was the best thing going on in the company. I was pissed when they threw in Jericho (one of my favorite workers ever). It all worked though. Cena vs.Christain never happened on TV and I'm still sad about it. Oh well.

• Batista defeated Triple H in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (26:54)
o Batista pinned Triple H after a Batista Bomb.
o ****1/4
Another great match. This was like the highest I thought these 2 ould get if they busted their ass, low and behold they got it, so much respect to both of em.

~ 3 **** matches including a MOTYC is fine by me. You might wanna FF the 1st half.

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