Thursday, October 11, 2007

Armageddon 2004 Review

This is gonna hurt...

• Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio defeated René Duprée and Kenzo Suzuki to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (17:12)
o RVD pinned Duprée after a Five-Star Frog Splash.
o ***
Just about what I'd expect with 17 minutes.

• Kurt Angle defeated Santa Claus (0:25)
o Angle forced Santa to submit with the Ankle Lock.
Seriously, does this really belong on PPV?

• Daniel Puder defeated Mike Mizanin in a Dixie Dog Fight (3:00)
o Puder won by judge's decision after the match went through all three 1 minute rounds.
o No Rating

• The Basham Bros. (Doug and Danny) defeated Hardcore Holly and Charlie Haas (6:50)
o Danny pinned Holly.
o *
Speaking of not belonging on PPV.

• John Cena defeated Jesús (w/Carlito Caribbean Cool) in a Street Fight to retain the WWE United States Championship (7:50)
o Cena pinned Jesús after an FU.
o *3/4
Pretty much just Cena beating the crap out of Jesús.

• Dawn Marie defeated Miss Jackie (w/Charlie Haas as Special Guest Referee) (1:43)
o Marie pinned Jackie with a Rolling Clutch Pin and a handful of tights.
o After the match Haas proposed to Marie but then called both of them sluts and walked away.
At least it was short.

• The Big Show defeated Mark Jindrak, Luther Reigns and Kurt Angle in a Handicap match (9:55)
o Big Show pinned Jindrak after a F-5.
o *1/2
A bad Smackdown main event where they "stack the odds."

• Funaki defeated Spike Dudley to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (9:29)
o Funaki pinned Dudley with a Bridge Pin.
o *1/2
Wow. Funaki just got 9 minutes on PPV.

• John "Bradshaw" Layfield defeated Eddie Guerrero, The Undertaker and Booker T in a Fatal Four-Way match to retain the WWE Championship (25:36)
o JBL pinned Booker after a Clothesline from Hell.
o During the match, Heidenreich attacked Undertaker twice.
o **3/3
Really solid match.

~ First and last match were pretty good, but the rest was really bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In regards to Haas kicking both Jackie and Dawn Marie to the kerb, it was hardly Daniel Bryan dumping AJ Lee after losing the World Heavyweight Title to Sheamus at WrestleMania 28.