Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Armageddon 2006 Review

• Kane defeated Montel Vontavious Porter in an Inferno match (8:21)
o Kane won when he set the back of MVP's ring attire on fire.

• Paul London and Brian Kendrick defeated William Regal and Dave Taylor, MNM (Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro), and The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) in a Ladder match to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (20:13)
o London and Kendrick won when London grabbed the belts.
o This match was originally scheduled to be a regular match between London/Kendrick and Regal/Taylor.
o During this match, Mercury suffered a legit serious face injury - a broken nose and lacerations around his eye - causing him to leave the match early.
o ****

• The Boogeyman defeated The Miz (2:51)
o Boogeyman pinned The Miz after a Sit-out chokebomb.

• Chris Benoit defeated Chavo Guerrero (w/Vickie Guerrero) to retain the WWE United States Championship (12:14)
o Benoit forced Chavo to submit with the Sharpshooter.

• Gregory Helms defeated Jimmy Wang Yang to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (10:51)
o Helms pinned Yang after a roll-up.

• The Undertaker defeated Mr. Kennedy in a Last Ride Match (19:08)
o Undertaker won by throwing Kennedy into the hearse and driving away after a Tombstone Piledriver on top of the hearse.

• A "Naughty or Nice" Lingerie contest was held featuring: Layla El, Jillian Hall, Kristal Marshall and Ashley Massaro. Contest judge Big Dick Johnson (dressed as Santa Claus) declared all the participants winners.

• Batista and John Cena defeated Finlay and King Booker (w/Queen Sharmell) (11:29)
o Batista pinned Booker after a Batista Bomb.

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