Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Vengeance 2006 Review

Angle vs. Orton
Not as good as their ONS match imo, but not far behind it. Pretty neat to see Angle bust out the 8 straight Germans.


Umaga vs. Eugene
Why is this one here? Squash city, population: Eugene.


Foley vs. Flair (2/3 Falls)
This was actually kind of awesome. Foley was pissed that Flair said all he could do was bump, so Foley wrestled to prove a point. Flair is obviously better so Foley loses to a reversal of the Figure-Four. Foley then gets pissed and kills Flair like the lunatic he is. Storyline advancer, but a damn fun one at that. I’d also like to note that Foley strut + Socko Flair = a win in my books. Apparently, I like this more than others.


Shelton vs. Carlito vs. Nitro (IC Title)
Pretty much what you thought it would be, a fun spotfest. Carlito loves jumping off the ropes, I gotta say. Nothing noteworthy but still served it’s purpose on the card.


RVD vs. Edge (WWE Title)
A lot better than I remember it being. Didn’t really feel like an RVD match, which as much as I like him, was a nice change of pace. If I remember this was a bit of a surprise as a lot of people thought RVD was a lameduck champion and Edge was going to dethrone him here before feuding with Cena. Didn’t happen here, but none the less that’s the way the company was clearly going.


Kane vs. Fake Kane
Ugh. Totally forgot about this storyline. Glad the WWE did too soon after this.


Cena vs. Sabu (Extreme Lumberjack match)
Sabu was just cannon fodder for Cena until he could get back into the title picture. Typical Sabu stuff here, including the mandatory Sabu-almost-dies spot where Cena F-U’ed him onto the table and Sabu barely catches it on his way to concussion land.


DX vs. Spirit Squad
Never thought I’d see Spirit Squad main event a PPV, but there you go. I actually liked them so it worked out for me. Inevitable outcome aside, this worked well enough as they followed the face in peril formula before DX stomped them into the ground.


Pretty hit or miss show for the most part.

Additional matches watched:

Raw; June 26: Cena vs. RVD (WWE Title) - ***
ECW; June 27: RVD vs. Angle - ***1/4
Raw; July 3: RVD vs. Cena vs. Edge (WWE Title)- **1/4

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