Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Backlash 2007 Review

Best WWE PPV so far this year.

• The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) defeated Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch to retain the World Tag Team Championship (16:12)
o Matt pinned Murdoch after a Swanton Bomb from Jeff.
o **3/4
Nothig incredible but still solid.

• Melina defeated Mickie James to retain the WWE Women's Championship (8:58)
o Melina pinned Mickie after a Reverse DDT.
o **3/4
Best women's match in a while.

• Chris Benoit defeated Montel Vontavious Porter to retain the WWE United States Championship (13:12)
o Benoit pinned MVP with an Inside Cradle.
o ***1/4
Good stuff.

• Umaga, Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon defeated ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley in a Handicap match (15:42)
o Vince pinned Lashley after a Top Rope Splash from Umaga to win the ECW World Championship.
o *1/2
A bit too long.

• World Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker fought Batista to a draw in a Last Man Standing match (21:26)
o The match ended after both men were unable to answer the referee's 10-count following a Spear from Batista off the entrance stage. As a result, Undertaker retained the title.
o ***3/4
I was very close to pushing this to **** but I just couldn't do it.

• John Cena defeated Edge, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels in a Fatal Four-Way match to retain the WWE Championship (18:53)
o Cena wins after getting Superkicked by Shawn Michaels, and falling onto Orton, who was Speared by Edge.
o ****1/4
Crazy main event with a great ending.

~ Great show. This is what they should be doing every PPV.

• Edge defeated Randy Orton Raw the next night.
o Edge pinned Orton after a Spear.
o ***3/4

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