Friday, October 5, 2007

Judgement Day 2004 Review

Eddie bleeds...bad...

• Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio defeated The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) (15:19)
o RVD pinned D-Von after a Five-Star Frog Splash.
o ***1/4
We start off nicely.

• Torrie Wilson defeated Dawn Marie (6:14)
o Wilson pinned Marie after a Backslide.

• Mordecai defeated Scotty 2 Hotty (3:01)
o Mordecai pinned Scotty after a Crucifixion.
o ¼*
Mordecai's debut squash.

• Charlie Haas and Rico (w/Miss Jackie) defeated Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (10:26)
o Haas pinned Holly after a Sunset Flip roll up, aided by a Superkick by Rico.
o **
OK I guess.

• Chavo Guerrero (w/Chavo Classic) defeated Jacqueline to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (4:47)
o Guerrero pinned Jacqueline after a Gory Bomb while the referee's distracted on Chavo Classic.
o Per a pre-match stipulation, Guerrero had one arm tied behind his back. During the match though Chavo Classic untied Chavo Jr.'s hand.
o -*

• John Cena defeated René Duprée to retain the WWE United States Championship (9:54)
o Cena pinned Duprée after an FU.
o **1/4
Decent little match.

• The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) defeated Booker T (11:25)
o Undertaker pinned Booker after a Tombstone Piledriver.
o *1/4

• John "Bradshaw" Layfield defeated WWE Champion Eddie Guerrero by disqualification (23:22)
o Eddie was disqualified when he hit JBL with the WWE Title belt, Guerrero retains the championship.
o ***3/4
Good little brawl. Wish there was a finish.

~ 1st and last match were good, everything else sucked.

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