Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wrestlemania 22 Review

Another HHH WM job? What's the world coming to?

• Kane and The Big Show defeated Carlito and Chris Masters to retain the World Tag Team Championship (6:41)
o Kane pinned Carlito after a chokeslam.
o *3/4
Awful choice to open the show.

• Rob Van Dam defeated Shelton Benjamin, Ric Flair, Finlay, Matt Hardy and Bobby Lashley in a Money in the Bank ladder match (12:21)
o Van Dam won by climbing a ladder and taking possession of the briefcase hanging above the ring.
o ***1/2
This should have opened. I know WWE doesn't usually put ladder matches first but thats my opinion.

• Howard Finkel introduced the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2006:
o "Mean" Gene Okerlund, "Sensational" Sherri, Tony Atlas, Verne Gagne, William "The Refrigerator" Perry and The Blackjacks. The seventh inductee, Bret Hart, did not attend the event. The eighth inductee, Eddie Guerrero, was represented by his wife Vickie, who was escorted out to the stage by Guerrero's nephew Chavo Guerrero.

• John "Bradshaw" Layfield (w/Jillian Hall) defeated Chris Benoit to win the WWE United States Championship (9:44)
o Layfield pinned Benoit after flipping him over during a Crossface and holding onto the middle rope.
o **1/4
Yay...another JBL title run.

• Edge (w/Lita) defeated Mick Foley in a Hardcore match (14:37)
o Edge pinned Foley after a spear off the apron and through a flaming table on the outside.
o ****
Suprisingly good hardcore match as opposed to the usual trash can lid stuff the E usually puts on.

• The Boogeyman defeated Booker T and Sharmell in a Handicap match (3:52)
o Boogeyman pinned Booker after a chokebomb.
o 1/4*

• Mickie James defeated Trish Stratus to win the WWE Women's Championship (8:48)
o James pinned Stratus after a Mick Kick.
o ***
Minus the finish this was great for a WWE women's match.

• The Undertaker defeated Mark Henry in a Casket match (9:26)
o Undertaker rolled Henry into the casket after hitting him with the Tombstone Piledriver.
o *3/4
Yeah right..Mark Henry ends the streak? HA!

• Shawn Michaels defeated Vince McMahon in a No Holds Barred match (18:28)
o Michaels pinned McMahon after the Sweet Chin Music
o During the match, both the Spirit Squad and Shane McMahon interfered on McMahon's behalf.
o ***
A little goofy but it's Vince getting his ass kicked for 20 minutes so that's fine with me.

• Rey Mysterio defeated Randy Orton and Kurt Angle (c) in a Triple Threat match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (9:18)
o Mysterio pinned Orton after a 619 and a West Coast Pop.
o P.O.D performed Rey Mysterio's entrance music live.
o ***1/4
Man was this short. This should have been doubled in time. I was hoping for maybe a **** match but I guess not.

• Torrie Wilson defeated Candice Michelle in a Playboy Pillow fight (3:54)
o Wilson pinned Michelle with a roll-up.
o No Rating

• John Cena defeated Triple H to retain the WWE Championship (22:02)
o Cena forced Triple H to submit with the STFU.
o ****
I can't believe this match was this good.

~ 4 matches at least *** and 2 **** matches. Good show.

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