Monday, October 29, 2007

ROH Supercard of Honor Review

FIP Bonus Match (DVD Extra): Jerrelle Clark vs. Erick Stevens ---**

Ricky Reyes vs. Delirious vs. Flash Flanagan vs. Shane Hagadorn --- *1/2

Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Jimmy Yang --- **3/4

Ace Steel vs. Chad Collyer --- *3/4

AJ Styles & Matt Sydal vs. Austin Aries & Jack Evans --- ****1/4

Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation --- *****
This is the 1st ROH match I ever saw. Quite a doozie. I gave it ***** the 1st time I saw it but the next time I saw it I gave it ****3/4. That was because the 1st time I saw it I remember it being balls to the wall and the 2nd time the begining was a little slow. I rewatched it and no I see what I saw the 1st time I viewed its beauty.

MsChif vs. Cheerleader Melissa vs. Allison Danger vs. Daizee Haze vs. Lacey vs. Rain --- **3/4

Homicide vs. Mitch Franklin --- ¼*

Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jimmy Jacobs --- ***1/2

Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong --- ****3/4
I know everyone loves their Vendetta match (I gave it ****1/4 and that's underating it to most people. I've seen plenty of reviews give it *****) but I think this is better. It started out stronger (no pun intended...ok...pun intended), was longer (57 minutes as opposed to 47) and I thought it told a better story. The whole match I was thinking this was better than Vendetta. Then, the end came and I had to give it it's props. I went back and forth on whether to give this the full monty or ****3/4. For some reason I just can't give it *****.

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