Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Goodbye Edgar my old friend...

So Edgar Renteria was traded yesterday. Can't say that's the suprising news, as I thought he might be traded for a proven pitcher this offseason. Well, he got traded for 2 prospects...and not even good ones. Edgar comes cheap (thanks to Boston paying a solid chunk of his contract) and he is so damn consistant it's not even funny. These 2 guys the Braves got back might be OK (that's not a compliment). The pitcher is projeted to be a #3 starter at best throughout his career, and the the OF is the #10 CF prospect in baseball. Of course, the Braves have a CF prospect higher than that, but whatever.

I've never been on the Yunel Escobar bandwagon. He was incredble last year, but I've seen one year of magic from players before, so I'm not put him in the Hall yet. I hope he is great, but with Edgar, you WILL get great. If they would have traded him for a proven pitcher and not some kid with a 4 and a half ERA, I might be a little more excited, but eh. I hope this works out.

Enjoy Edgar and his .330 average next year Tiger fans.

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