Wednesday, October 17, 2007

2006 Match of the Year

1. Paul London and Brian Kendrick defeated William Regal and Dave Taylor, MNM (Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro), and The Hardys (Matt and Jeff) in a Ladder match to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship (20:13)
o London and Kendrick won when London grabbed the belts.
o This match was originally scheduled to be a regular match between London/Kendrick and Regal/Taylor.
o During this match, Mercury suffered a legit serious face injury - a broken nose and lacerations around his eye - causing him to leave the match early.
o ****1/4

2. Kurt Angle defeated The Undertaker to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (29:37)
o Angle pinned Undertaker after reversing a Triangle Choke into a jackknife cover.
o ****1/4

3. John Cena defeated Edge in a TLC match to win the WWE Championship (25:28)
o Cena retrieved the belt to win.
o If Cena had lost, he would have had to leave RAW and go to SmackDown!.
o ****1/4

Honorable Mention:

• Edge, Mick Foley, and Lita defeated Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and Beulah McGillicutty in an Extreme Rules 6 Person Intergender match (18:45)
o Edge pinned McGillicutty after a Spear.
o Halfway through the match, Funk was taken backstage after Foley grinded barbwired in his eye.
o ****1/4

• Edge (w/Lita) defeated Mick Foley in a Hardcore match (14:37)
o Edge pinned Foley after a spear off the apron and through a flaming table on the outside.
o ****

• John Cena defeated Triple H to retain the WWE Championship (22:02)
o Cena forced Triple H to submit with the STFU.
o ****

• John Cena defeated Triple H and Edge (w/Lita) in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWE Championship (17:33)
o Cena pinned Triple H with a bridge roll-up.
o After the match, Triple H attacked Cena, Edge and the referee with a sledgehammer. He also delivered a spinebuster to Lita.
o ****

• Edge (w/Lita) defeated Ric Flair in a TLC match to retain the WWE Championship (15:48)
o Edge retrieved the belt to win.
o ****

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