Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Cena has lost the title...Cena has lost the title...(JR Voice)

Well, it finally happened. John Cena is no longer the champ. I don't like Cena, not since he was the Eminem wannabe. I don't hate him like most people in the IWC do. I mean, yeah, his promos are annoying, and yes he does do a lot of the same moves, but he had the ability to be carried to a great match. He had some **** matches with Umaga, HBK and even JBL. I'm glad that the title scene now had something new going for it, but lets face it, Randy Orton is not the guy who is gonna put on better matches. Honestly we don't even know if Orton is gonna be champion anyway. A lot of people are saing HHH vs. Umaga vs. Orton. Others are saying this is where Jericho comes in and wins. I don't know. I would personally shit my pants 6 ways from Sunday (what does THAT mean?) if CM Punk lost the ECW title to Big V **shudders** and then Punk faces Orton for the strap and wins it in his hometown. There is NO chance that happens (well, the Big V part might happen) but a boy can dream, can he not?

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