Tuesday, October 16, 2007

TNA Bound for Glory 2007 Review

• The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) defeated Triple X (Senshi and Elix Skipper) in an Ultimate X match (11:57)
o Hernandez grabbed the "X" to win LAX a future shot for the TNA World Tag Team Championship.
o ***1/2

• Eric Young defeated Robert Roode to win the Fight for the Right Battle Royal (11:55)
o Young pinned Roode with a small package to earn the number one seed for the 2007 Fight for the Right Tournament
o Also in the match: James Storm, B.G. James, Kip James, Lance Hoyt, Jimmy Rave, Chris Harris, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Kaz, Petey Williams, Junior Fatu, Havok, Shark Boy, Sonjay Dutt.
o **

• Christian's Coalition (A.J. Styles and Tomko) defeated Team Pacman (Rasheed Lucius Creed and Ron Killings) (w/Adam Jones) to win the TNA World Tag Team Championship (8:45)
o Tomko pinned Killings after a Double-team elevated neckbreaker slam
o Creed was a replacement for Adam Jones.
o **1/2

• Jay Lethal defeated Christopher Daniels to retain the TNA X Division Championship (11:00)
o Lethal pinned Daniels after a Lethal Combination from the top rope.
o ***3/4

• The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) defeated Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) in a Two out of Three Falls Tables match (12:45)
o Team 3D put Rick through a table with a 3D.
o Scott put Ray through a table with a Frankensteiner.
o Rick put Devon through a table with a Steiner Bulldog.
o **

• Gail Kim won a Knockout Gauntlet battle royal to win the first TNA Women's World Championship (12:11)
o Kim pinned Roxxi Laveaux after a Emerald Frosion.
o **
Entrant Eliminated by
1 Ms. Brooks
1 Moore

2 Jackie Moore
3 Kong

3 Shelly Martinez
2 Kong

4 Awesome Kong
5 ODB, Williams, Kim

5 O.D.B.
8 Laveaux

6 Angel Williams
6 Kim, ODB

7 Christy Hemme
4 Kong

8 Gail Kim

9 Talia Madison
7 Kim

10 Roxxi Laveaux
9 Kim

• Samoa Joe defeated Christian Cage (w/Matt Morgan as Special Enforcer) (15:45)
o Joe forced Cage to submit with the Coquina Clutch.
o ****1/4

• Abyss defeated Raven, Rhino and Black Reign in a Monster's Ball match (9:04)
o Abyss pinned Raven after a Black Hole Slam onto broken glass and thumbtacks.
o *3/4

• Sting defeated Kurt Angle to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (18:27)
o Sting pinned Angle after a Scorpion Death Drop.
o ***1/4

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