Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Backlash 2005 Review


• Shelton Benjamin defeated Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (14:30)
o Benjamin pinned Jericho after countering the Walls of Jericho into a roll-up.
o ***3/4
Shelton is in the middle of a great run so no suprise this was pretty good.

• The Hurricane and Rosey won a Tag Team Turmoil match to win the World Tag Team Championship (13:43)
o Tajiri and William Regal (c) defeated The Heart Throbs (Antonio and Romeo) when Tajiri pinned Antonio after a roll-up. (3:10)
o Tajiri and William Regal defeated Simon Dean and Maven when Regal pinned Dean after a Regal Knee. (5:54)
o La Résistance (Rob Conway and Sylvan Grenier) defeated Tajiri and William Regal when Conway pinned Regal after a roll-up and grabbing the tights. (9:16)
o The Hurricane and Rosey defeated La Résistance when Hurricane pinned Conway after a Super Hero Splash. (13:43)
o **1/4
Yeah like I care.

• Edge defeated Chris Benoit in a Last Man Standing match (18:47)
o Edge defeated Benoit after hitting him in the back of his head with a brick, and Benoit couldn't get up before the 10 count.
o ***1/4
Should have been better.

• Chris Masters beat Melissa Coates in a Master Lock Challenge

• Kane (w/Lita) defeated Viscera (w/Trish Stratus) (6:09)
o Kane pinned Viscera after a Chokeslam.
o After the match, Trish berated Viscera and Viscera splashed Trish.
o ¼*
10 minutes too long (yeah I really am not a fan of this match).

• Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels defeated Muhammad Hassan and Daivari (15:05)
o Hogan pinned Daivari after Michaels hit Sweet Chin Music.
o **1/2
HBK getting his ass kicked like no other can makes this watchable.

• Batista defeated Triple H (w/Ric Flair) to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (16:26)
o Batista pinned Triple H after a Batista Bomb.
o **3/4
Higher rating than WM, same level of interest from me (whisper: it's none...).

~ One word: Mediocre.

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