Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New Year's Revolution 2006 Review

Back with a BANG.

• Jeff Hardy defeated Johnny Nitro (w/Melina) in a Steel cage match to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (14:41)
o Hardy won by escaping the cage.
o ***

• Cryme Tyme (JTG and Shad Gaspard) defeated The Highlanders (Robbie and Rory), The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas), Jim Duggan and Super Crazy, and Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch in a Tag Team Turmoil match (18:14)
o Benjamin pinned Robbie after a Superplex (5:02)
o Haas pinned Super Crazy with a Bridging back suplex (7:30)
o Murdoch pinned Haas after Cade attacked Haas with a Flying Elbow (11:51)
o Gaspard pinned Cade after a G9 to win a World Tag Team Championship shot (18:14)
o **

• Kenny Dykstra defeated Ric Flair (9:59)
o Dykstra pinned Flair with an inside cradle after a low blow.
o *3/4

• Mickie James defeated Victoria to retain the WWE Women's Championship (6:49)
o James pinned Victoria after a DDT.
o During the match, Melina tried to interfere on Victoria's behalf but was stopped by Candice Michelle and Maria.
o *1/2

• World Tag Team Champions Rated-RKO (Edge and Randy Orton) fought D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) to a no contest (23:20)
o The match was ended after Triple H suffered a legit quadriceps injury, Rated-RKO retained the titles.
o ***3/4

• Chris Masters defeated Carlito (w/Torrie Wilson) (5:58)
o Masters pinned Carlito while holding his tights.
o *1/4

• John Cena defeated Umaga (w/Armando Alejandro Estrada) to retain the WWE Championship (17:16)
o Cena pinned Umaga with a roll-up.
o ***3/4

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