Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Backlash 2006 Review

• Carlito defeated Chris Masters (9:53)
o Carlito pinned Masters after a Backcracker and using the ropes for leverage.

• Umaga (w/Armando Alejandro Estrada) defeated Ric Flair (3:29)
o Umaga pinned Flair after a Samoan Spike.

• Trish Stratus defeated WWE Women's Champion Mickie James by disqualification(4:03)
o James was disqualified for choking Stratus, James retained the Women's
Championship as a result.
o Stratus dislocated her right shoulder in the match when Mickie Back Body Dropped her over the top rope, causing her to try and cushion the fall on the apron, only for this to cause the injury.

• Rob Van Dam defeated Shelton Benjamin to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship (18:42)
o RVD pinned Benjamin after a Five-Star Frog Splash
o RVD's Money in the Bank contract was on the line as well.

• The Big Show fought Kane to a no contest (9:30)
o The match ended when the lights went red and "May 19th" came over the loudspeaker. Big Show hit Kane with a chair to "put him out of his misery".

• Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon defeated Shawn Michaels and "God" in a No Holds Barred match (19:57)
o Vince pinned Michaels after the Spirit Squad gave Michaels the High Spirits through a table.

• John Cena defeated Triple H and Edge (w/Lita) in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWE Championship (17:33)
o Cena pinned Triple H with a bridge roll-up.
o After the match, Triple H attacked Cena, Edge and the referee with a sledgehammer. He also delivered a spinebuster to Lita.
o ***3/4

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