Friday, October 5, 2007

Backlash 2004 Review

Benoit returns home.

• Shelton Benjamin defeated Ric Flair (9:29)
o Benjamin pinned Flair after a clothesline from the top rope.
o **1/2
OK match.

• Jonathan Coachman defeated Tajiri (6:25)
o Coachman pinned Tajiri after Garrison Cade attacked Tajiri.
o 3/4*

• Chris Jericho defeated Christian and Trish Stratus in a Handicap Match (11:12)
o Jericho pinned Christian after a running enzuigiri.
o **1/2
Not as good as WM but fine.

• Victoria defeated Lita to retain the WWE Women's Championship (7:22)
o Victoria pinned Lita after an Inside Cradle.
o After the match, Gail Kim and Molly Holly came out and attacked both women.
o ¾*
Nothing to note here.

• Randy Orton defeated Cactus Jack in a No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere Match to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (23:03)
o Orton pinned Cactus after an RKO on a barbed wire baseball bat.
o ****
Foley might be God if he can carry Orton to this. This match was here to put over Orton obviously.

• The Hurricane and Rosey defeated La RĂ©sistance (Rob Conway and Sylvan Grenier) (5:02)
o Hurricane pinned Conway.
o During the match Eugene came out and bounced between the ropes until William Regal came out and got him.
o ½*
Like people in Canada like this.

• Edge defeated Kane (6:25)
o Edge pinned Kane after a Spear.
o *
Welcome back to the midcard Edge!

• Chris Benoit defeated Shawn Michaels and Triple H in a Triple threat match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (30:08)
o Benoit forced Michaels to submit with the Sharpshooter.
o ****
I just don't like this match as much as most.

2 **** matches and that’s about it. Still good enough though.

May 3 – Edge, Benjamin, & Tajiri beat HHH, Orton & Batista. ***1/4

May 3 - Chris Benoit defeated Shawn Michaels. ****1/4

May 6 – Rey Mysterio and RVD beat The Dudleys. ***

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