Tuesday, October 16, 2007

No Way Out 2005 Review


• Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio defeated The Basham Brothers (Doug and Danny) to win the WWE Tag Team Championship (14:50)
o Guerrero pinned Doug after hitting him with a title belt.
o ***
Good Smackdown match.

• Booker T defeated Heidenreich by disqualification (6:49)
o Heidenreich was disqualified after hitting Booker with a chairshot to the throat.
o ¼*

• Chavo Guerrero won a Cruiserweight Open to win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (9:43)
o Paul London pinned Funaki (c) after a 450 Splash (1:37)
o London pinned Spike Dudley with a roll-up (1:56)
o London pinned Shannon Moore with a Inside Cradle (3:35)
o London pinned Akio with a 450 Splash (7:03)
o Chavo Guerrero pinned London after a Gory Bomb (9:43)
o **
Just kinda taking up room.

• Joy Giovanni was voted the winner by the fans in the 3-part SmackDown Rookie WWE Diva of the Year Contest.

• The Undertaker defeated Luther Reigns (11:44)
o Undertaker pinned Reigns after a Tombstone Pildedriver.
o ½*
What is this a house show?

• John Cena defeated Kurt Angle (19:21)
o Cena pinned Angle after a F-U to earn a shot at the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 21.
o ***1/4
Good stuff.

• John "Bradshaw" Layfield defeated The Big Show in the first ever Barbed Wire Cage Match to retain the WWE Championship (15:12)
o JBL won by escaping the cage from a hole in the mat made when Big Show chokeslammed him.
o Orlando Jordan and The Basham Brothers (Doug and Danny) attacked The Big Show after the match. Batista and John Cena came to the aid of The Big Show.
o *3/4
For a first ever Barbed Wire Cage Match it sure didn't use any. Crap match BTW.

~ Good opener and good #1 contender match. Everything else we don't speak of...

~ Februaury 28 - Shawn Michaels beat Edge in a Street Fight. ****

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