Wednesday, October 17, 2007

No Mercy 2007 Review


• Triple H defeated Randy Orton to win the WWE Championship (11:15)
o Triple H pinned Orton with a Schoolboy.
o This match was originally supposed to be John Cena defending the title against Randy Orton in a Last Man Standing match, but was changed when Cena suffered a legitimate injury and the title was vacated. Orton was awarded the title at the beginning of No Mercy by Vince McMahon.
o **3/4
Not that bad. These 2 have nice chemistry (as we would find out later).

• Mr. Kennedy, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch defeated Jeff Hardy, Paul London and Brian Kendrick (8:06)
o Kennedy pinned London after a Green Bay Plunge.
o **
Just a filler match.

• CM Punk defeated Big Daddy V (w/Matt Striker) by disqualification to retain the ECW Championship (1:37)
o Big Daddy V was disqualified after Striker attacked Punk.
o 1/4*
Too short.

• Triple H defeated Umaga to retain the WWE Championship (6:33)
o Triple H pinned Umaga after a Pedigree.
o *3/4
I was hoping for a better match actually.

• Finlay fought Rey Mysterio to a no-contest (9:08)
o The referee stopped the match after Finlay took a bump to the outside and feigned unconsciousness. Finlay then attacked Mysterio from behind.
o **1/4
It was what it was.

• Beth Phoenix defeated Candice Michelle to win the WWE Women's Championship (4:32)
o Phoenix pinned Michelle with a Bridging Fisherman's Suplex.
o *

• Batista defeated The Great Khali (w/Ranjin Singh) in a Punjabi Prison match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (14:47)
o Batista won after escaping from the structure by climbing over the bamboo cage.
o **3/4
Nice ending to Khali's best match ever by far.

• Randy Orton defeated Triple H in a Last Man Standing match to win the WWE Championship (20:25)
o Triple H failed to answer the 10-count after an RKO on the announce table.
o ****1/4
MOTYC. I seriously didn't think we'd have another **** match in the WWE this year.

~ Main event was good. Skip the rest.

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