Friday, October 5, 2007

Badd Blood 2004 Review

Benoit wrestles 2 matches. HBK & HHH wrestle what feels like 10 matches.

• Chris Benoit and Edge defeated World Tag Team Champions La Résistance (Sylvain Grenier and Robért Conway) by disqualification (10:17)
o La Résistance were disqualified after Kane interefered and attacked Benoit, La Résistance retained their titles.
o **1/2
Nothing going on here.

• Chris Jericho defeated Tyson Tomko (w/Trish Stratus) (6:03)
o Jericho pinned Tomko after a Running Enzuigiri, after Tomko accidentally collided with Trish on the apron.
o *3/4

• Randy Orton defeated Shelton Benjamin to retain the WWE Intercontinental Championship (15:03)
o Orton pinned Benjamin by rolling through a Crossbody and hooking the tights.
o ***1/4
Solid attempt by both men.

• Trish Stratus (w/Tyson Tomko) defeated Victoria (c), Lita and Gail Kim in a Fatal Four-Way match to win the WWE Women's Championship (4:43)
o Trish pinned Lita with a Schoolgirl.
o *1/2

• Eugene defeated Jonathan Coachman (7:38)
o Eugene pinned Coachman after a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow.
o After the match Garrison Cade came out but received a Stone Cold Stunner from Eugene.
o *
Why is this here?

• Chris Benoit defeated Kane to retain the World Heavyweight Championship (18:20)
o Benoit pinned Kane with a roll-up.
o ***1/4
Pretty good but not great or anything.

• Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels in a Hell in a Cell match (47:23)
o Triple H pinned Michaels after a Pedigree.
o ***
47 minutes? Wow. They tried a little too hard here. Could have easily lost 10 - 20 minutes.

~ Not anything great on this show.

June 14 – Benoit, Edge & Jericho beat Flair, Orton, & Batista in an elimination match. ****

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